What do you picture when you hear the word “class”? If a man is described as “classy,” what would he look like in your mind’s eye? Most of the time, gentlemen with slicked back hair and thousand-dollar suits from old Hollywood movies come to mind. But what makes those men so classy? Class is all about poise. It’s the way you hold yourself and treat others that … [Read more...]
22 Cute Good Morning Texts for Her (She’ll Be SMILING Ear to Ear)
What’s even better than a morning Starbucks? Hint: a good morning text message with a little pizzazz! Even if she hates mornings, she is going to LOVE waking up to your sweet messages. So, hold on tight, we’re going to dive in to 22 cute good morning texts for her that are guaranteed to brighten her day. Whether you are “crushing hard”, looking for a way to apologize, … [Read more...]
How & When to End a Text Conversation Like a Gentleman (w/ Examples)
While being face-to-face with the person you like can seem more daunting than establishing a relationship through text, it’s more likely the other way around. Body language can be easier to read; conversations can be had through facial expressions and simple gestures, but texting requires you to use the wording, and frequency, as your only gauge to determine when to … [Read more...]