Maria Popova of the irreverent Marginalian wrote: "Friendship is the sunshine of life — the quiet radiance that makes our lives not only livable but worth living. (This is why we must use the utmost care in how we wield the word friend.) In my own life, friendship has been the lifeline for my darkest hours of despair, the magnifying lens for my brightest joys, the quiet … [Read more...]
40 High Income Skills Anyone Can Benefit from Learning this Year
In today’s world, people can make a good living online or offline in every career imaginable using skills and abilities that are learned or taught in a variety of ways. And some of these skills will generate a higher income than others, leading to the potential for living a more comfortable lifestyle. These high value skills are becoming increasingly in demand both … [Read more...]
How to Be Resilient in the Face of Adversity & 5 Inspirational Stories
Sometimes we feel like the obstacles or challenges we face are so difficult that we couldn’t possibly overcome them. Confronting a medical situation, facing an unexpected job loss or even coping with the loss of a loved one all can make us stop dead in our tracks, not knowing if we can move forward. So how can some people not only find the strength to move past these tests … [Read more...]
137 Inspirational Quotes About Life Struggles (To Stay Strong & Carry On)
Do you feel overwhelmed with all of life's challenges? Does everything just seem to be an endless struggle? There might be times when you feel like giving up. But, remember that giving up isn’t an option. Struggles are a part of life. And you'll have to overcome many obstacles to reach your goals. Here is a list of 137 inspirational quotes about life struggles to … [Read more...]
Table Manners 101: Proper Dining Etiquette for the 21st Century
Whether you are attending a fancy, formal dinner, going to a backyard barbecue or even just out for a casual meal with friends, you have probably wondered about table etiquette like which fork to use or when to put your napkin in your lap. Of course, we all relax a little bit around family and close friends, but good manners don’t go away just because we know those … [Read more...]